Words of Wisdom

Transformational Leaders for a better tommorrow....Hafiz

Monday, 6 December 2010

Mathematics and Science Department Meeting

On 30th November 2010, there was a meeting between Mathematics Department and Science Department on the delegation of works for the Numeracy Recovery Programme. The meeting was chaired by the HODs of Mathematics Department, Cikgu Shimah. After the meeting, the members of both Mathematics and Science Departments have agreed on their tasks and roles. One of the SMSB's SLP team member, Cikgu Hafizuddin has reminded all of them of their commitment and to work together as a team in order for the project to be succeed.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Skype with SLP facilitator

This morning we are having the Skype meeting with our SLP facilitator. Eventhough we are having a school function at Tutong Community Hall, we managed to find a room and had a online meeting at 9.15am.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

ALP workshop 1

A successful ALP workshop was done today (25 November 2010) which was organised by Acting Principal, Cikgu Nor Asurah and SMSB's SLP leaders team, Cikgu Salanjat, Cikgu Faris and Cikgu Hafizuddin. Anyway, Cikgu Salanjat had to be away on that day due to attending FR talk. The target groups were the Senior Masters and Mistress, ASMs, HODs and Assist. HODs. Next workshops will be for the other teachers according to Departments.

Below are the photos taken by Cikgu Hafizuddin during the ALP activities.

Cikgu Asuarh is delivering the welcoming speech to all participants.

BCC reporter and a leader...

Participants are plotting their own journey line.

Traffic Jam game to develop teamwork - GPRI

Articulate the values...
